Monday, September 29, 2008

Surviving Ike!!

Hurricane Ike came through on Friday night and we lost power about 3am. We made a bed in the hallway just in case a window broke or something. Alex slept well and Randy slept well but I could not sleep much at all. All the noises from the storm kept me up all night. Some friends of ours had invited us over in the case that we did lose power so Saturday morning about 10am we packed up and headed to their house for some fun times!! We stayed at their house till Sunday afternoon when our power came back on. My parents, sister, brother in law and brother all came and stayed about a week untill they got their power back. We enjoyed some great food and had friends over to eat and do laundry almost every night. Here are some random pics from the week.

Randy got a really bad case of poison ivy or something when he cut down the tree on Thursday afternoon and so he could not touch Alex for a few days till it all cleared up. He also had to wear long sleeved shirts which just about drove him nuts...since it was a little hot.
My Dad, Randy and Alex passing some time...probably watching sports of somekind!
My Mom and Alex napping on the couch.

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