Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Aggie Football!!

Football season is upon us and I could not be more excited! I love to watch college football! My team of choice is of course the Texas Aggies and I'm hoping they can do well this season. So far we are 2-0. Keep it up Aggies!!

Gameday Gear.
Tyler's first gameday with Daddy!

Road Trip!

While Randy was in Zimbabwe the kids and I went with my parents to see my grandparents (Mimi and Papa Ed). We stayed the rest of the time at my parents house. The kids loved all the attention but we were all ready for Randy to come home! Here are some pictures from our Road Trip and time with Nana and Papa.
Eating popcorn on the boat waiting for the rain to stop so we could go for a boat ride.
Still waiting for the rain to stop...

Nana made Alex a cool house with a big box...she even cut windows so he could see out!

Home Depot looking for patio furniture for Nana and Papa.

Rainy weather means we were stuck inside :(

My boys on the bed. Alex has a bandaid because he fell out of the car when we got home from Mimi and Papa Ed's house.

Tyler at 3 months.
about 15.5 lbs

My boys!

Alex loves this rocking chair at Nana and Papa's house.

Tyler was a trooper in the car!

Looked in the backseat of the car and saw Alex had put his sunglasses on (upside down).

Alex was entertaining everyone!

Papa Ed, Dad, and Mimi at Mimi's new place!

Alex ran all over the backyard chasing our dog Bucky with the watering bucket he found on the back porch. (and yes he is in his pj's!!)

Alex watching his movie on the way to see Mimi and Papa Ed.


Randy recently had the opportunity to lead a small group from our church on a mission trip to Zimbabwe, Africa. They were gone for 12 days sharing the gospel with the people of Zimbabwe. Randy said the people were very open and eager to hear about the gospel. The team had a great time and even got to do some sightseeing while they were there. I hope I can go with him sometime in the future!

Victoria Falls