Tuesday, July 21, 2009

FBC Bryan

Randy started work as Youth Minister at First Baptist Church in Bryan, Texas in mid June. He has been commuting since we aren't living there yet. We sold our house in Magnolia and closed on it last week. We are staying with my parents till we close on our new house (in College Station) at the end of the month. We are excited about finally getting all settled in Bryan/College Station!!

FBC Bryan,Texas


Alex has started walking just in the past couple of days. He is doing great and really seems to have caught on fast. I think he will be running around in no time!! The video is a little shaky...I took it with my regular camera!

Friday, July 3, 2009

Alex's first haircut!

Here he is after his haircut! I didn't take one before (shame on me), but you can see it was a little poofy in the last post.

Alex did a great job and LOVED the sucker!

Here we are after the haircut...Alex was a little mad because I threw his sucker away (sorry no suckers in the car untill you can hold it yourself and not drool!

Alex really did a great job and so did the barber...the entire experience was only about 5 minutes. They even gave him a certificate for his first haircut. They also gave me a baggie so I could save some curly locks for Alex's scrapbook!!

Birthday boy!!

On June 10th Alex turned 1 year old! I can't believe it has been one year already! Here are some pictures from his birthday party!

Here are Alex's 1 year pictures with his teddy bear!

More fun at the lake!

A day at the lake!