Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Christmas time!

We had a great Christmas this year. Watching Alex was lots of fun and getting to see family was fun too. We spent Christmas with my parents at their house and then went to Arlington to see my Mom's side of the family on the 26th. On the 29th Alex and I drove with my parents to Midland to see my Dad's side of the family. Here are some pictures from Christmas at my parents house!
Alex checking out what Santa brought him!

Alex in his new wagon...he may look like he does not like it but he does...especially when Papa pulls him in it!!
Alex got a dump truck!!

Alex loves his Elmo shape toy!!

Alex with his teddy bear! 18 months old

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

You'll love that wagon especially when baby #2 arrives and can sit up. We have gotten so much use out of ours!