Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Adoption Finalization

December 19th will be an important day for Alex forever because it is the day that his adoption was finalized. Alex had to be in our home for at least 6 months before we could finalize his adoption. December 12th marked the six month point and we went to court to finalize everything on December 19th. Family and friends joined us in court for this important day! Another important day for Alex will come in a couple of week when we meet with his birth family for the first time since leaving the hospital. We are excited about the time we will get to spend with them.

Here are some pictures from our day in court! (which only lasted about 15 minutes).

Alex before leaving the hotel to head to the courthouse!

Being sworn in at court.

The judge looking over the papers.

Alex was watching the judge very closely.

The Christmas tree inside the courthouse. (the judge gave Alex a stuffed can kinda see the turtle in the carseat with him here!)

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